An intensive two-day work session took place in Barcelona on the 16th and 17th of January. The University of Ramon Llull (URL) served as a host for the partnership, which consisted of 10 partners from Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Poland, Lithuania, and Romania.

At present, the most significant project activity is the piloting of the training program, which was the first agenda item discussed in the meeting. The universities implementing the program presented their progress and plans for the next steps. The partners collectively agreed that they anticipate achieving excellent results in a short period, leading to an extension of the pilot activities deadline. However, some students had already submitted course evaluations, allowing the partners to identify areas for improvement and strengths of the program.

Additionally, at the end of this April, the project partner universities plan to organize workshops for external companies to present the taxonomy of Industry 4.0 technologies and their use in addressing challenges.

As the project is coming to an end in October this year, the partners initiated a brainstorming session on how to sustain project activities and partnerships after the project’s completion. The focus was on the transfer of the training program to the partner universities.

One of the last activities discussed was the Planet4 Cookbook, which aims to summarize all project results, including an introduction to project topics and training materials and a description of the use cases. The partners brainstormed the structure, topics, division of tasks, and timeline for the handbook.

We are pleased to report that three papers produced collaboratively by project partners have been published, and there are several more in progress. Moreover, the partners have shared and discussed new ideas for publication.

Although the next few months will be challenging, the partners are fully prepared. The chance to gather in person has further reinforced the partnership’s collaborative spirit and mutual trust, which has been evident since the project’s early stages.

The next in-person meeting is planned for September in Pisa in line with the Final conference.